PTD 111 Lab, Range and Behind-the-Wheel Training

This course covers the importance and process of vehicle/pre-trip inspections, techniques to couple and uncouple tractor trailers, hours of service (HOS) requirements, and extreme driving conditions. Students will receive instruction and become proficient with straight line, alley dock and off-set backing. Students will also have the opportunity to become proficient with parallel parking on the sight and blind side of vehicle while demonstrating the need to get out and look (GOAL). Behind the Wheel (BTW) Public Road training will provide students with instruction and experience on shifting transmissions, double clutching, visual search, speed and space management, communications/signaling and safe driver behavior. The student gains knowledge on how to perform vehicle/pre-trip inspections, demonstrate the ability to perform backing maneuvers and safely operate a Class A Commercial Vehicle on public roadways. This course also covers Washington State required 18 hours of street driving training, 16 hours of training in backing maneuvers, 16 hours of proficiency development, and 70 hours of combined lab training, range training, and observation.



Clock Hours