Weapons and Violence Policy

In order to maintain a safe and secure campus, the possession, use, or threat to use firearms, dangerous chemicals, explosives of any kind, or other weapons (including but not limited to martial arts weapons, ammunition, BB guns, air guns, and paint guns) is strictly prohibited while on school property, and while engaging in school-related work or activities on or off campus. Violation of these safety regulations will result in disciplinary action.

Fixed blades are not allowed. Folding knives with a blade of three inches or less are allowed only as a tool in keeping with the industry standards of the training you are pursuing. Blades longer than three inches are not allowed under any circumstances.

Misuse of personal defense devices (such as pepper spray) is prohibited. The owner is responsible and will be held accountable for any misuse of these devices.

Violence or threats of violence are strictly prohibited. Any threat of violence or harm to students or employees should be reported immediately to your instructor, the deans of education, or the director of facilities & safety. The incident should be reported even if you think the threat is a joke. Any act of violence or threat will be subject to discipline and may result in legal action.